Tattoos can be one of two things. They can either be really cool or really lame. It really depends on the design you choose and how well the artist recreates that design on your body.
I have a lot of friends that have tattoos and every time I see them, it just makes me want to get a tattoo even more. However, I am a very conservative person. I don’t take this type of thing lightly, so I want to be sure that when I do get my tattoo, I know that I’ll be happy with it. Because of that, I have done a ton of research about how to go about choosing your tattoo design. Here’s what I found.
First thing’s first. Every website, friend, or tattoo artist will tell you to do your research. This can sound daunting but it’s really not. Basically, it just means to look at a bunch of different artistic designs that you could possibly get as a tattoo. You can do this at a tattoo parlor or on the internet. The most important thing is finding one that you not only like, but that you connect with also. Here are two that I absolutely love and carry a message that I base my entire life around.
This one means God is greater than the highs and the lows.
This one means There is hope even if oceans rise and mountains fall, He will never fail.
As you can see, I am going for something that truly relates to and connects with me. I love both of these tattoos, but there’s just one problem and that leads me into my next point.
I’m unsure of where I want to get my tattoo on my body. Before you get the tattoo, you should figure out where you want it because it will be there forever. So, I’ve been drawing these tattoos on various parts of my body and leaving it for like a week to see if I like it. I found that I know if I don’t like it in less than an hour of having it in a certain spot. My problem is that I have found two spots that I really like it on and I can’t decide which one I want. So, I’m leaving the drawn on temporary tattoos on those areas for a longer period of time to decide. That’s one thing that is super important. Take your time deciding this. Tattoos will be on your body forever and they deserve to be well thought out. I don’t want to hate my tattoo after a few years, so I’m taking the time now to be 100% sure.
You should also remember that you aren’t alone. You can ask your friends, tattoo artist, and random strangers what they think of your design and its placement. However, it is ultimately your choice. You have to be happy with it. Though, consulting your artist is really important. You want to be sure that they can give you exactly what you want.
Once you have taken some time to think about your design, you can take the next steps to go get your tattoo. I really do suggest taking quite a bit of time before committing to this. I like to wait a year. If after a year I still want that tattoo, then I take steps to make that happen. A year may seem like a long time but if you take into consideration how many years this will be on your body
When I first started writing this article, I hadn’t gotten my tattoo yet. I wanted to write about how I went about finding my design and placement. Like I said earlier, I waited for over a year thinking about this tattoo. After the year was up and I still wanted one, I began drawing it on myself to see where I liked the two designs most and I actually was able to make my decision. I got them both!
That’s right. My tattoo artist told me that because I wanted them both to be so small, he could do them both for me at the same time. YAY!
After he cleaned my skin, he placed the stencil on and asked me if I liked it. I had already done that so I was sure I did like it, but I double checked anyway. After my confirmation, he began actually tattooing me. It was a little painful but nothing I couldn’t handle.
Here is a picture of the “God is greater than the highs and the lows” tattoo on the outside of my arm just below my wrist.
And here is a tattoo of the “There is hope even if oceans rise and mountains fall, he will never fail” tattoo on my arm.
I am absolutely in love with both of them. I would definitely encourage others to get a tattoo, but I strongly encourage taking the time to make that decision.
So, long story short, just make sure that you really think about his. Think about every possibility that could ever happen. For instance, my best friends wanted to get bff tattoos. While I think those are adorable, I also know some people who did that and now aren’t friends with those people. So, I strongly suggest only getting tattoos that really connect with who you are as a person, because those key things that really make up who you are will never change. Also, take the time to talk with your artist. If he/she is drawing something and you don’t really like it, speak up. Nine times out of ten they won’t be offended because they know that this is your tattoo and you have to live with it.
Overall, this was a great experience for me. I have always wanted a tattoo and now I have two that motivate me every time I look at them.
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