When trying to acquire a great job for yourself, it is wise to avoid shortcuts since they may reduce the chances of landing into one. I am going to provide the necessary tips especially for those that are staying in the same field. For those that have no idea of their career or need to change their fields the prescribed steps will apply to them also. The steps are: 

  • Self-appraisal
  • Marketing collateral Development
  • Employment opportunities Identification
  • Project management
  • Interview preparation

1. Self-appraisal 

A self-appraisal is a good opportunity for a person who is ready for a transition and wants to return to the workplace. Personal attributes and skills will be exhibited to the employer through such exercise. People who find themselves in transition and are ready to go back to work have a good opportunity to do a self-appraisal. Some worthwhile tests for self-appraisal are Career Insights, StrengthsFinder, DiSC, and, Myers–Briggs.

2. Marketing Collateral Development 

An exceptional LinkedIn profile and resume should be in every job seeker’s portfolio. Usually, whenever a job advertisement is declared, there are usually vast amounts of resumes presented most of which are a mediocre kind. For anyone to be competitive, there must be an outstanding marketing collateral should be created. A certified professional in the preparation of such professional documents will be helpful. The reasons for the documents being professionally written is that

  • To be able to outcompete others in a fierce completion that involves skills.
  • The one constructing the resume together with the LinkedIn profile has to possess the rigorous training, longtime experience, top skills and understand the applicant's requirements fully.
  • LinkedIn and resume need to have periodic tweaking since it is a waste of time and no traction can be generated from poor marketing collateral.


Develop your Value Proposition: Ask yourself, what your job will be, and what type of customers do you intend to serve, how you beneficial will to the customers. Check what unique services that you will able to offer that is scarce elsewhere.

Develop Personal Brand: personal brand simply explains what other people know you for or the impression that you make out there. People usually relate to other people they trust and know, so a brand is neither a product, tagline nor a logo. It entails image, reputation, perception and influence.

Start a Personal Marketing: it commences through identifying your goal and objective. Take a consideration of the job type and determine its important elements like money, recognition, promotion, job security, belongings, commitment, and purpose.

Identify the Target Audience: Differentiate yourself through targeting a specific audience at all times. A person should specifically target locations, commuting distance, employers, industries, home office, and companies. Differentiate your portfolio regarding the audience and message while measuring results and making necessary adjustments. 

Advertise and Promote yourself: there are a variety of social sites where you can take advantage and utilize like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Relentlessly increase your connections in various social mediums. You can go ahead and participate in various group discussions to provide answers to various queries, prove yourself as an expert and stand out amongst the crowd. Fill out social media profiles, publish articles, and involve yourself in a variety of job search networking groups.

3. Employment opportunities Identification 

The ultimate goal in your endeavors is to grab one of the employment opportunities that will present itself. For instance, you can search for job opportunities through job title tab in LinkedIn or title tab on indeed.com. Government websites can also be useful sites to check for opportunities. Though local libraries can have helpful websites, job search networking groups’ involvement is the preferable and most effective way. Closely work with a local reference librarian to obtain that sort of information. Submitting questions to various groups especially LinkedIn makes you get people who are ready to help. Check a dozen of target companies your field and read job-search-relevant articles especially on their employment sections. You can even look at essential persons in the target company and draw a contact list.

4. Project management 

The job search process can be stretched over a wide period, maybe months. During that whole period, the amount of information at your disposal will continue to expand at an enormous level. Any job seeker who is serious will need to monitor how the job search project is fairing closely. Utilizing a spreadsheet which is periodically and constantly updated can form a minimum database to manage your project. Those wishing for advanced databases for the job search opportunities can use one of the available customer relationship management tools. CareerShift and JibberJobber are the most popular management tools that most of the job seekers utilize.

5. Interview preparation 

Interview preparedness is of optimal importance since after the interview session either one or few people will win the job offer. Be prepared to tell the panel about yourself properly in the interview. 

You can use the SARB model to format 15 appropriate questions and answers that you think will be asked. Using the model you commence with Background Situation, then the Action you took for the scenario. Later Focus on the Result and the Benefit the employer intends to gain. Having a practice session and recording it while you are in action is another appropriate way to sharpen your answering action. Finding a person who could guide you and later critique when necessary is the best way to practice on the questions. Research at great lengths the company that the job offer was made so that you appear knowledgeable to the panelists. It is vital to fit the culture of the organization properly to increase the chances of clinching the job. Exhibiting deep knowledge and interest in the company can influence your impression towards them even though their perceptions are not solely based on the impressions implications. Although it isn’t the ultimate end to the journey of acquiring a great job, thorough preparations will certainly reward you handsomely.

To top it up

Remember, the company will only fully control the process until it extends the job offer. Later, what happens then will be pegged much on your efforts towards your offer. Gather more information about the company’s overall culture to enable you to negotiate a competitive compensation for yourself. Most companies expect the job candidates to negotiate carefully and wisely. I hope that you will undertake these steps carefully and grab yourself a great job.

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